IoT integrator & developer

Soil moisture - Capacitance / Volumetric sensors
SMEC-300 Sensor
FDR Sensor for volumetric water content, temperature and conductivity with Analog Volt Signal
Aquacheck Profile Probe
FDR profile probe for measuring soil water content and temperature at multiple depths.
Sensors for duration of irrigation
Irrigation duration
Switch closure sensor, switch point +0,3 bar, 1/2"AG, Max.4 bar, with Cap and crimp connectors
Sensors for light & radiation
Rain / Precipitation
Duration of leaf wetness
Soil moisture - Sensors for soil water potential
Irrometer® Tensiometer IR-E Series
Electronic Irrometer® Tensiometers with linear volt signal
Sensors for temperature & rel. humidity
NOS-NTTT Combination sensor for wet- and dry-bulb temperature
Combination sensor for wet- and dry-bulb temperature
IoT-TRF Combi sensor for air temperature and rel. humidity
Good and inexpensive combination sensor for air temperature and rel. humidity in convection cap with wall mount.