Soil Probe AG-BS-70
Measuring device for the determination of soil compaction in different soil horizons. The mechanical penetration resistance in the soil is measured analogously. Display of soil compaction numerically (PSI /bar) as well as color coded (green / yellow / red). The measuring scale on the soil lance indicates the depth of the compacted soil layer.
Technical specifications
Measuring Range:
soil depth: 0 to 75 cm
Penetration resistance:
0 to 27.6 bar (400 psi)
Lance: Stainless steel
Handle: Anodized aluminum
Handle: Anodized aluminum
shaft Ø12mm, tip small Ø13mm, large Ø19,5mm
Supply voltage:
Not applicable; hydraulic measurement without electronics
Dimensions / Weight:
900x310x60 mm (LxWxH), 2.15 kg
Soil Probe AG-BS-70 incl. 2 measuring tips (light and heavy soils)