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Step 1

Which parameters should be measured?



temperature, soil water suction, volumetric water content of the soil, relative humidity, radiation, water level…


IoT4H20 Sensor3

Step 2

How many sensors should be used?


Maximum possible per device:
  • 6 sensors with resistance signal and 3 sensors with voltage signal (please note for sensors with voltage signal: some of these sensors use several inputs)
  • 10 sensors with SDI-12 communication (Please note with SDI-12 sensors: Many SDI-12 sensors output more than one parameter. Up to 10 sensors, even with multiple parameters, can be connected)


Step 3

How many measuring sites need to be covered? Are the measuring sites close to each other or further apart?


If the measuring points are within a radius of approx. 10 m, one IoT4H2O® device may be sufficient. If the measuring sites are further apart, several IoT4H2O® devices should be used.


Step 4

Which sensor type should be used?


Supported sensors - see list of supported sensors

  1. The temperature should be measured – which temperature exactly? (Air temperature, soil temperature, water temperature, wet bulb temperature…)
  2. The soil water suction should be measured – measurement with tensiometer or measurement with watermark sensor?
  3. The soil water content is to be measured – which sensor model should be used?

We would be happy to advise you on the compilation of sensors - please contact us!


Step 5

How should the data be transferred?


Possible with NB IoT or with LoraWAN

IoT4H2O® devices with NB IoT radio

IoT4H2O® devices with NB IoT radio represent the turnkey solution and are particularly suitable for users who are looking for a simple, universal and ready-to-use solution. In most cases, the collected data is made available to users via a web app on our data cloud

Our web app presents the data already prepared in the form of graphs and tables. Various additional functions are available, such as setting up crop-specific optimum areas or warning thresholds. The web app offers options for user, device and area management and the data can also be downloaded to your own computer and archived there permanently. Of course, all rights to the data remain with the respective owner of the IoT4H2O® device.

The IoT4H2O® web app can be used with both a smartphone and a computer. On the smartphone it behaves like a conventional app, on the computer like a conventional website. It works on Android, iOS and Windows-based devices.

Commissioning and using the IoT4H2O® devices is extremely easy and can be done within 5 minutes, even by people with no technical experience.

For integrators and developers, it is also possible to retrieve data from IoT4H2O® devices with NB IoT radio at our API, or to forward it to their own platform via UDP forward or HTTP callback. In the latter case, the data is not stored and presented on our data cloud, but the user develops their own data interface. We provide a free Integrator Guide with a description of the payload for programming your own data interface. This approach is suitable for users who are able to program their own user interface or have it programmed and who attach great importance to data confidentiality.


IoT4H2O® devices with LoRaWAN radio

IoT4H2O® devices with LoRaWAN radio are the preferred solution for integrators and developers, as well as for advanced users who place the highest value on the protection of the collected data or the lowest costs. When using IoT4H2O® devices with LoraWAN radio, it is possible to design the data aquisition system in such a way that the data never leaves the own network.

The data collected with IoT4H2O® devices with LoRaWAN radio can be stored and presented on our data cloud, but in most cases the user develops their own data interface.
We provide a free Integrator Guide with a description of the payload for programming your own data interface. With this information and the corresponding programming skills, a vast variety of different customer-specific data interfaces can be developed with virtually no limitations.

The version of the IoT4H2O® devices with LoRaWAN radio is ideal for integrators and developers, but can also be used as a turnkey solution at locations where NB IoT network coverage is not yet available. However, this approach is associated with somewhat greater effort and therefore higher costs.

We would be happy to advise you on the selection of the transmission - please contact us!


Step 6

How should the data be accessed?


Possible via our own WebApp or via a user’s own interface.

For further information on the possibilities of data access via an own user interface, see the section Properties IoT4H2O® or contact us

IoT4H20 App2